PNB Kaushal Scheme
If you are finding information related to PNB Kaushal Then you are at right place. The PNB Kaushal is one type of Punjab National bank’s Educational Loan scheme. The Punjab National Bank give educational loan to the student who want to develop their skills. Students can get loan up to Rs 1.5 Lakh.
Our Indian Prime Minister want to upgrade skills of Indian worker. So Indian Government launched Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana. The loan is for Skill development purpose. Punjab National bank offer educational loan for maximum 15 years. With help of Punjab National bank’s Kaushal loan scheme students can get enroll in Vocational courses run by Indian Technical institutes.
Punjab National Bank Kaushal Yojana
The PNB Kaushal loan scheme help the Indian students to enroll in institute like ITI, National Skill Development Corporation, State Skill corporation and many more. Below is details of PNB Kaushal educational Loan scheme.
- Loan Name : PNB Kaushal
- Interest Rate Charged By Punjab National Bank : 8.3% to 9.8% (RLLR+1.50%)
- Benefits for Women : Bank offer PNB Kaushal loan subsidy of 0.5%
- Yojana Name : Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana
- Loan Tenure : Maximum 7 Years
- Minimum Loan Amount : Rs 5000
- Maximum Loan amount : Rs 150000
- Loan Margin : NIL
- Processing Fee : Zero
- Documentation Charges : Zero
- Repayment holiday : If the duration of course is less then 1 year then they will get Repayment Holiday of 6 months from the completion of the course. If the duration of course is more then 1 year then they will get Repayment Holiday of 12 months from the completion of the course.
Purpose of PNB Kaushal Loan scheme
To fulfill objective of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, Punjab National Bank offer this loan for students. The students can pay their tuition fee or course fee with Kaushal Loan. The student who want to enrol in ITI can use Kaushal Education Loan.
The Student can pay Library fee, Laboratory fee, Examination fee of the institute. They can use this money as deposit in collage. They can use this amount for their courses.
Eligibility for Punjab National Bank education Loan Kaushal
The candidate must fulfill certain criteria to get Punjab National bank’s education loan. The loan scheme is only for Indian student. They need to select vocational or technical course from recognized institute.
The Punjab National bank offer education loan Kaushal for admission in vocational and Technical courses. The Kaushal loan scheme launched for skill development courses. Students can enhance their skills to get better opportunities in Industries. Our website Insuregrams tries to get Latest Information for our readers. If you want any information regarding PNB Educational loan Kaushal or other loan then comment down. We will try to help you as soon as we can.
Student Must get admission in ITI, Polytechnics institutes, Recognized in University, National Skill Development Corporation, Sector Skill Councils, State Skill Corporation. They must get certificate, Degree, Diploma certificate if they complete co
The Punjab National Bank offer Kaushal Loan without any documentation fee and processing fee. Also the student get repayment holiday in this loan. The margin for Kaushal loan scheme is also zero. So Punjab National Bank's Kaushal Loan is best for vocational, technical courses.
The applicant need to submit Identification Document, address proof to Bank. Applicant need to provide information related to Admission Letter, Course Details, Fee related details. If you need to get subsidy then must attach Income certificate.What are Benefits of PNB Kaushal Loan?
Which Documents are needed for Punjab National Bank Kaushal Loan?