IDFC Bank RTGS form is used to do RTGS in Bank. In RTGS Amount more than 2 Lakh Rs can be transferred to any bank account. IDFC Bank NEFT Form is used to do NEFT in Bank. In IDFC First Bank NEFT amount less than 2 lakh can be transferred to any bank account.
IDFC First Bank also known as IDFC Bank to it’s customer. The Reserve Bank of India approved to set up private Bank to IDFC LTD in 2014. IDFC Ltd was set up earlier as non Banking financial institution. The IDFC Bank Ltd and Capital First Ltd was merged on December 18, 2018 to create IDFC First Bank. the IDFC First Bank is scheduled Bank.
How to download IDFC Bank NEFT And RTGS Form PDF?
You can download IDFC First RTGS Form PDF from Insuregrams. You can download IDFC First NEFT Form PDF from Insuregrams. Download IDFC First Bank RTGS form from here. You can Use this NEFT Form from here.
RTGS and NEFT is electronic payment gateway used by Banks for more secure transactions. RTGS is for real time settlement process. While NEFT done in Banking transaction Batches. RTGS stands for Real Time Gross settlement. NEFT stands for National Electronic Fund Transfer system. RTGS and NEFT is more reliable, Secure payment gateway for Electronic transaction.
In RTGS system, Originating and destination bank branches are part of the RTGS network. IN RTGS and NEFT, Beneficiary details such as beneficiary name, account number and account type, name and IFSC of the beneficiary bank branch should be available with the remitter.
What is time for IDFC First NEFT and RTGS?
Note: The service of NEFT and RTGS at IDFC First Bank branch available only during working hours.
NEFT transactions will be available 24*7 for online transactions such as internet banking, mobile banking
In IDFC Bank RTGS/NEFT time is shown in table,
On Working week days Monday to Friday | 7.00AM to 5:55PM |
On Working Saturdays | 7.00AM to 5.55PM |
On Sundays and Public Holidays | No Transaction Allowed |
Also get, SBI RTGS Form PDF 2023
How To Fill IDFC First Bank NEFT and RTGS Form?
Remember RTGS is used for amount more than 2 lakh Rs. while NEFT is used for amount less than 2 lakh Rs. Here are steps for how to fill RTGS and NEFT form .
- Amount to be remitted: Write exact amount which should be remitted from your account
- The account number to be debited: Your IDFC First Bank account Number from which the transaction amount will be debited.
- Name of the beneficiary bank and branch: Write clearly beneficiary of your transaction and branch code of beneficiary.
- The IFSC number of the receiving branch: IFSC code is important in RTGS and NEFT. Please write it in form
- Name of the beneficiary customer: Customer Name without any mistake
- Account number of the beneficiary customer: Never mistake in account number. write it carefully.
- Sender to receiver information, if any required. For tax purpose you can write it.
Also Get, PNB RTGS Form PDF
What are charges for IDFC Bank RTGS and NEFT?
For our surprise as mentioned on official website of IDFC First Bank, IDFC Bank charge nothing for RTGS and NEFT service. RTGS transfer is free in IDFC first Bank. NEFT transfer is free in IDFC first bank.
Amount of RTGS | Transaction Service Charges (Exclusive of GST) |
Rs.2 lakhs & up to Rs.5 lakhs | NIL |
Above Rs.5 lakhs | NIL |
Amount of NEFT | Transaction Service Charges (Exclusive of GST) |
Up to Rs.10,000/- | NIL |
Rs.10,001 and up to Rs.1 lakh | NIL |
Rs 100001 to Rs 200000 | NIL |
Rs 200000 | NIL |
Source: Click here
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